A long time ago, Cortobeille opened the old book...Nils Holgerson flew away...free...now he travels over Plumpiemousie, bringing visitors from far away...

Saturday, August 04, 2007

VIP attendus, en provenance de France...

Ici "Pierre-de-lune", les Monstres du bois et l'ami Alain sont attendus au restaurant...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh dear...We are so proud, so happy to welcome you tonight...You came all the way from Nikara-Mum's garden...that so nice of you to visit Plumpiemousie...now , I'll take you to your room, you'll have a good rest...and tomorrow...surprise...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cortobeille passing by...

Hello Nils, hello Plumpiemousie...I don't forget you...My travel hasn't finished yet...Take care...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

May be HE will come by air...
so impatient to meet HIM...

Monday, January 01, 2007

from Joëlle's land...

The walk may be long, but we'll get to it, one day or the other...