A long time ago, Cortobeille opened the old book...Nils Holgerson flew away...free...now he travels over Plumpiemousie, bringing visitors from far away...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

She arrived a week ago, on Caroline's shoulder...She settled in...We must find her a name...
She looks so real...


RUTH said...

I am glad she has settled in well. She is like a ball of cotton wool. Say hello to her from us. In England we say that owls say "Twit Twhoo" I wonder what language yours speaks?
R & M xx

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

She looks real, but duzz she hav knees? That's the test.

Anonymous said...

Quite uncanny! We used to have a real owl down the woods nr our old garden when I was little. Of course you don't see them. Then you see that gigantic staring face... ooh! twoo-woo,ooh!